Friday, October 23, 2009

Announcing: EasyierCamp mod for Soulstorm

My hiatus has not been entirely due to laziness.

I've been replaying Dawn of War: Soulstorm after I saw there were some patches for it. Unfortunately, the difficulty of some of the campaign "stronghold" regions still hadn't been fixed. These strongholds were: the Imperial Guard (its almost impossible to stop the Baneblade convoys from producing the monster Baneblade that destroys all your hard work; the Necrons (Four monoliths coming active at the same time and destroying your stuff; the Tau (Tau fleet reinforcement arriving too soon and too many Greater Gnarlocks being spawned). These hard strongholds made the game extraordinarily difficult to enjoy, and if you don't take them early on, the continual counter attacks on the same provinces causes a lot of boring repetition to set in. These faults were not affected by the initial difficulty setting of the campaign game.

I was fed up enough with how a good campaign game had been ruined by these difficult strongholds. So I finally downloaded Coresix's Mod Studio and applied my old skills as a maintenance programmer. And now, Bashi-bazouks!, the hard strongholds are now nerfed enough for them to be fun without being aggravating.

I've been spending the last week or so determining which strongholds really needed a nerf, and then play testing my mod. Now it is ready for the world and I will post a link to the cheat code website that's willing to upload it. Coming soon!

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